Wednesday, October 30, 2013

November 2013 Newsletter


Hi Quilters,
Is it me or are the holiday commercials starting way too early.  Petsmart had Santa commercials on last week.  Ridiculous!  That said, it is getting to be that time of year again so time to start planning.  I have been looking back on previous holiday seasons and to be honest the business and lists and demands are really destroying the season for me.  Does anyone have any advice about how to reduce the workload of the holidays.  It is challenging because I do not want to disappoint anyone.  I was going to challenge myself to complete a Christmas Quilt to hang in my foyer which would require a quilt roughly 64in by 64in.  I informed my husband of this challenge and he looked at me like I was crazy.  He carefully said "Isn'tour house Christmasy enough?"  He is right.  There I go again, adding and artificially inflating my to do list.  Where is the balance?  Just because I can create something does it mean I have too?  MMMMMM something to think about. 
If anyone has some advice or tips for reducing holiday stress please let me know. 
I hope everyone is quilting and creating but not freaking out trying to get something complete.  That is my wish for you all and myself. 
Now I need to go make the blocks for the Round Robin because they are due at the next meeting ;)
Happy Quilting. 

Robin McMillen

PROGRAMS....Leslie O'Brien

This month we will welcome Kimberly Knipe from the Chester County Hospital Outreach Program. Our favorite activity is rather sedentary so Kim will remind us about how to stay healthy. Please note - this talk may or may not involve some light (and I mean light - no need to dress for a yoga class) exercises so wear something you can move in, just in case.  There it is - your excuse to dress down for a Guild meeting!  We will be inspired to watch our diets as the holidays approach and we are tempted to try all those traditional foods and desserts. Speaking of the holidays, have you started your 12 1/2 X 12 1/2" block for the exchange? More details about the December meeting will follow!

MEMBERSHIP: Jean Fox/Ellen McMillenWe had a good turn out for the October meeting. Forty-one members were in attendance but we did not have any guests. Rob Lodi was the winner of the membership door prize.
November Birthdays 

Allie Barchi            8-November
Dena Corry            13-November
Jamie Loncaric       28-November
May your birthdays be filled with quilting delights.

HOSPITALITY   Angel Henderson

Snack list for the November guild meeting is: S. Doonan*, E. Dusinberre*, E. Egan, J. Fox, P. Gallagher, D.Giroux, F. Grider, C. Harkins.  Those with a * after their name should bring a beverage for the group rather than a snack.  If you can't make the meeting please trade with a friend and let me know who will be bringing the snack in your absence.  Angel

SILENT AUCTION   Maryann Lewis

November's meeting will have our Fall Silent Auction. 
There are many exciting things to bid on-----books, magazines, supplies, fabric, etc.   Put your bid on a post-it with your initials,---anyone can up the bid if they choose.  When the time is up, whoever has the highest bid gets to purchase the item.  

REQUEST From Marion Stevenson

Please contact me if you create labels for the quilt back and let me know the cost.  Thanks.  Marian Stevenson

CHALLENGE 2014     Carolyn Davis and Jamie Lonaric

We will be making small quilts to say please don't touch the quilts. You may say 
it any way you wish, as long as the message is clear.  Please keep the size no 
larger than 9 x 12 inches.  Shoot for 8.5 by 11 - regular paper sign size. We 
will decide whether and how we will label them after the challenge. I'm thinking 
about using an embroidered ribbon that says Do Not Touch the Quilts Challenge 
2014 and leaving space for you to sign the ribbon. But, then again, maybe we 
don't need that, except that we have displayed challenge quilts at the show in 
the past. I apologize if this seems like a work-in-progress.

Carolyn and Jamie

Just a friendly reminder that there will be a Mystery Box this month.  So remember to bring those extra dollars to purchase your chance to win ____ oh that's right it's a mystery.  You never know what's in the box.  Jan

PATCHES OF LOVE  Rita Marie Smith

Patches of Love - Rita Marie Smith    For those of you who were unable to attend last month's guild meeting, Jean Fox and I will be explaining about our charity project for this year at our November meeting.  We are making little dresses for an orphanage in Africa.  They are for little ones up to size 4T and will be hand delivered in March.  The dresses are very easy to make. I can provide directions or you can google pillowcase dresses or dresses for Africa for directions.  We only have until our February meeting to make as many as possible.  The little boys could use pull on shorts if you would like to make them.  For the remainder of the guild year, we will continue to make pillowcases for the Hershey pediatric unit.   E-mail me if you have any questions.  Thank you for your continued support of our charity projects. 
Fall Fabric Frenzy Shop Hop
The Quilt Block is one of the participants.
Lebanon Quilter's Expo
November 22 - 24

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



Happy Halloween Quilters
This is my favorite time of year.  Football, Pumpkins, Fall Colors and of course - Orange.  I just finished the coolest quilt.  I will bring it to show and tell this month.  It is a Halloween quilt with a star in the center made from strings like the ones we saw at our June meeting last year. I included a Picture of the quilt below.  The Zig Zag Border was a cool challenge.   
I am also so pumped for the workshop on October 14th.  I have never cheniled anything so this will be a new experience.  I would like to encourage any of you who are thinking about attending but are nervous because of skill level.  Go for it.  We are a small friendly group and this is a great way to meet your fellow guild members.  We are even going to socialize and go out for dinner between the workshop and the meeting.  Sounds fun. 
I also want to solicit some more "Look What I Made" projects.  If you have a cool, clever little project that you would like to share please send me a picture and a description in an email.  I would love to include it in my November President's Note. 
Trick or Treat is around the corner and I have to start making Halloween Costumes.  Charlotte wants to be a lion and Miranda wants to be Ohura from Star Trek.  It is a good thing I can sew and I love Halloween.  I can't believe my girls still Trick or Treat. 

Happy Quilting
-Robin McMillen
Robin McMillen

Autumn Greetings from the Programs Committee!      Leslie

October 14 is our workshop with Christine Morgan. Doors will open at the church a little after 11. Workshop starts at noon so come in enough time to get setup and comfortable before we start. I will make a reservation for the group at Anthony's in Malvern so we don't have to think about where to have dinner. We should have a fun show and tell with all of our creations after Christine's lecture at the evening meeting which will start at 7 as usual. isn't too late to join the workshop. Cost is $30 plus $20 for the kit. Email me if you want to join us and I'll send you the materials list. Pay at the Door is fine. 

Our November meeting speaker will be here just in time to remind us to stick with our healthy habits over the holidays, even though lots of food will tempt us to overeat and we may slow down our exercise and activities now that the weather is getting colder. Kim Knipe from the Chester County Hospital outreach program will talk with us about how to stay healthy even though our favorite activity is a bit sedentary.  Kim's talk will be followed up later in the year with a presentation by one of her co-workers who works in hand injury rehabilitation. We use our hands a lot and we are subject to a lot of bone and muscle issues. We will hear how to prevent repetitive motion injuries. Date for this meeting will be announced soon. 

December will be the holiday meeting. Block exchange as usual. Activity to be discussed and announced shortly. We are thinking about a pot luck (filling appetizers and snacks - enough to make a "dinner") sit-and-sew party of some kind and a collection for the Chester County Food Bank.

Start to think about Book Night in January. It was a big success last year and we are doing it again to allow those who didn't present last year to take the floor. Book night is when we present our favorite and most influential books along with samples of the work we created from them and why we like the books (or patterns) so much. 

MEMBERSHIP: Jean Fox/Ellen McMillen

If you've not yet renewed your membership please do so as soon as possible. You'll find the Membership Form on the right side of this newsletter under "Important Information." You can print one or pick one up at the meeting if needed. If you cannot attend the October meeting please mail the form with your check for $35.00 to Ellen McMillen, 810 Dowlin Forge Rd., Downingtown, PA 19335. We plan to send out the new roster following the October meeting and would like it to be complete. Forty-three members and two guests attended the September meeting. Myrna Paluba won the member door prize.

October BirthdaysDenise Blake                1-Oct
Marsha Paczok            8-Oct
Chris Harkins               12-Oct
Rob Lodi                     13-Oct
Susan Longenecker      19-Oct
Elaine Egan                   26-Oct
Pat Gallagher                ?-Oct 

Snack list for the October guild meeting:  j.C. Brown, M. Campbell, M. Carlson*, D. Corry, C. Davis,  K. DeCarli, B. DeCarli*.  A  star beside your name  indicates you bring a drink for the group instead of a snack.  Remember to trade with a friend if you  cannot attend and let me know who is bringing a snack for you.  Angel

I be collecting any articles for the silent auction in November at the October meeting.

Maryann Lewis

The getaway will be scheduled  for Feb. 19  to Feb 23. I'm sorry I have no information on the hotel rates. I will send an email with the necessary forms as soon as I know.

     Kathy DeCarli


October 5, 2013

Airing of the Quilts
Tunkannock PA

October 11-12

Scraps to Treasure
Keystone Quilter's Guild

October 10-13

Beaver Valley Quilt Show
New Brighton PA

October 19-20

Berry Basket Quilt Show

October 26-27

Undercover Quilter's Quilt Show

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