President's Letter
Hi Quilters
Hi Quilters
It has been a b-e-a-utiful August and I am looking forward to may favorite season - Fall! I love back to school, football games, pumpkins, marching band, etc. Orange is my favorite color so I am diligently working on a new Halloween quilt. I want it done by October 1. (it is always good to have a deadline) I hope you are all looking forward to a new guild year. We have many fun and informative meetings planned to keep everyone inspired and working on projects.
I have another example of a look what I made from member Suzanne Doonan.
"Here's a simple project, a stroller or car seat quilt, that I made for my grandson. It's approximately 28 in x 32 in. Make 2 - 24 inch x 3 inch pieces, folded over twice and stitched twice for the ties and attach them approx 10 in down the sides of the quilt. Tie it to the carseat or stroller so that it doesn't fall off in transit." See Photo
This is genius, I wish I had thought of this when my kids were little. Please send me your "Look what I made" projects so I can include them in the October newsletter.
This is a note for Board members and Committee heads. I will be contacting many of you personally in the near future to set up activities on the guild calendar and to discuss what is coming up. I do not see an need to meet as a group in September. Email me or call me if you have an questions and I am putting together the September agenda so email me if you would like to be on the agenda.
Keep Calm and Quilt on!
Robin McMillen
Two-thirds of our members have signed up for the new guild year. Membership runs from September 2013 through August 2014. For those of you who have not yet renewed your membership you will find the Membership Form on the right side of this newsletter under "Important Information." You can print one or pick one up at the meeting if needed.
Please bring a completed form with cash or check for $35.00 to the September meeting or mail it to Ellen McMillen, 810 Dowlin Forge Rd., Downingtown, PA 19335.
September Birthdays
Debbie Becker
Maureen Carlson
Martha Hopkins
Rikki Newlander
Lee Paylor
Tamara Rommel
Nancy Rubinelli
Suzanne Simmons
PROGRAMS- Leslie O'Brien
As we kick off the new Penn Oaks Quilting year we will welcome Dalen and Mitzie Keys. Dalen is the author of several books including children’s books “Just A Quilt?” and “The Mess.” His talk will include book readings, thoughts on ways to spark creativity, and a quilt show and tell with quilts that tell stories. Mitzie specializes in string quilting making this talk a nice segue from our last speaker last year. The Keys will bring books and quilting to supplies to sell so start to think about the youngsters on your holiday gift list.
We will be able to spend the whole day with our October speaker, Christine Morgan, on meeting day next month. She will bring us her stunning chenille. This is not your grandmother’s chenille! Prepare to be inspired by her lecture and learn a new technique if you can make it for the workshop during the day. The workshop form is attached.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Christine Harkins for her hard work on programs. She brought in some fabulous speakers and we all enjoyed the meeting she planned. Thanks Christine for the hard work!
DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2013
TIME: 12:00 – 5:00 (approx.)
LOCATION: Frazier Mennonite Church, 57 Maple Linden Lane, Frazer, PA
COST: $30.00 workshop fee
$20 kit fee to be paid to Christine the day of the workshop
CONTACT: Leslie O’Brien, 610-269-4845,
CHECK AND MONEY TO: Workshop fee (not kit fee) and form may be sent to:
(Checks to be made out to Penn Oaks Quilt Guild)
Leslie O’Brien
581 Whitford Hills Rd.
Exton, PA 19341
Or pay at Sept. Guild meeting
DON’T FORGET: Power strip and extension cord
Eat lunch first or bring snack.
Water or beverage of choice
We will break for dinner before meeting. Dinner will not be provided.
Chenille cutters may be ordered at The Quilt Block in Exton. They can order several different styles so you can choose the one you like best. Please order promptly so you have it in time for the workshop.
Hospitality - Angel
Summer is almost gone and I'm sending the snack list a bit early as I have to go
Hospitality - Angel
Summer is almost gone and I'm sending the snack list a bit early as I have to go
out of town until Sunday. Also I have noted a pattern of getting 100% response
bringing in snacks when the newsletter is sent closer to the meeting time. The
earlier it is sent out the more likely people forget. The meeting when we had a
cake to celebrate the successful quilt show only one snack came in! Just an
observation. Septembers list is :
A. Barchi, D. Becker, D. Blake*, C. Block,
S. Borr*, S. Braskey, J.Brown.
A* next to your name means you bring a beverage
for the group instead of a snack. If you can't attend the meeting, please
switch with a friend and let me know.
Patches of Love: Rita Marie Smith Please bring all your completed pillowcases to Guild Monday night. Just a few more would bring our total to 100 to send off to the pediatric unit at Penn State Hershey. A big thank you to the 11 ladies who have already contributed. What would you like our charity work to be this year? Pillowcases for breast cancer patients, ConnKerr, quilts for kids, walker bags for folks in senior living? Mention was made at a meeting about small special quilts for children and adults with autism. Bring your thoughts and suggestions to Guild. Thanks.
Penn Oaks 2013-2014 Round RobinInstead of doing the traditional “Block of the Month” this year, Penn Oaks Quilters will be doing a “Round Robin” A “Round Robin” is a quilt top that is made by a group of quilters and can be thought of as a variation of a friendship quilt. We are going to do what is called a “Progressive Round Robin”. The idea is based on a book by M’Liss Raw Hawley called “Round Robin Renaissance”. Each participating person makes the equivalent of two (2) – 12.5” blocks for each “box” each month. It can be two 12.5” blocks or the equivalent number of smaller units which can be used as setting blocks or sew together by the box owner at the end however they want. You may not have time to do a paper pieced 12.5 square that month but you can do a set of 6.5” 4 patches or half square triangles that can be used to set the other blocks within the quilt top.Each quilter who signs up to participate will gather together at least 3 yards of material of at least 3 different fabrics. Each participating quilter will fill out a guidance sheet indicating the participant’s preferences for the types of fabrics and blocks each quilter in their group will make for them. The fabrics, along with the guidance sheet, will be placed in a plastic 14” x 14” carry box (scrap booking storage box as found at Joanne’s). This box will be brought to guild each month and passed among the participating group members till all group members have an opportunity to make the 2 12.5” blocks for that box. At the end of the guild year, each participant will have 12 completed blocks ready to set into a quilt top.Groups will be limited to 6 people. Sign-up can occur any time prior to or at the September meeting. Please e-mail me if you are interested in participating so I can start organizing the groups. A number of guild members already signed up at the June meeting.The Groups are:
Skill Level: Type of Quilt / Techniques Beginner Pieced blocks only Beginner Applique – Only (Please indicate if you have a preference for Hand Applique only, Machine Applique only, or would not mind both techniques in your quilt) Beginner Mixed Techniques (Group member have the choice of doing pieced blocks, any style applique or blocks with embellishments like machine embroidery. Intermediate/Advanced Pieced blocks only Intermediate/Advanced Applique – Only (Please indicate if you have a preference for Hand Applique only, Machine Applique only, or would not mind both techniques in your quilt) Intermediate/Advanced Mixed Techniques (Group member have the choice of doing pieced blocks, any style applique or blocks with embellishments like machine embroidery.Schedule:
September 2013 Sign up; organize people into groups, et al October 2013 Boxes are due for 1st exchange November 2013 2nd exchange December 2013 No round robin exchange – Christmas block exchange and party time Plus everyone is busy with holiday preparations January 2014 3rd block exchange February 2014 4th block exchange March 2014 5th block exchange April 2014 6th block exchange May 2014Return of all boxes to owner. June 2014 Show and tell of blocks within each group. September 2014 Show and Tell of finished Quilt Tops to Guild and Group MembersIn fairness to group participants, we are establishing these “rules” for this project:- This is a commitment. If you have doubts that you can complete 2 – 12.5” blocks each month on time and get it back to guild, don’t sign up. There will be other opportunities in the future that will be a better fit with your availability to sew each month. We’ve all “been there” when life gets in the way of something we want to do.- If you can’t make it to guild for a particular meeting, find someone to bring your box for exchange and to bring you your next box from the meeting. If you don’t have a “friend” attending the meeting that month, participants can drop off/pick up boxes at my house. I am working from home (telecommuting) and can usually answer the door for 5 minutes or get something quickly off the front porch. Please let me know if you will not make a meeting or when you will stop by my house to retrieve your month’s box. .- I will be available throughout if the participants have any questions on what to make. We have sample blocks available.- I will track each group’s boxes each meeting. Participants will “turn” in the boxes to me; at the beginning of each guild meeting. I will note who has already had whose box to ensure all boxes get distributed equally.Recommendation to save time each month:- Find a favorite “block” (or set of blocks) that you will make for each quilt. Then all you need to do each month is select which fabrics to use, cut and sew. It is much more time consuming when you try and figure out a new block or blocks for each person each month. There is also something nice about seeing your same blocks in different quilts with different fabrics and set in different ways.If you think you are interested and/or want more information and sample pictures of “Progressive Round Robin” quilts from the “Round Robin Renaissance” book, please e-mail me @ CarlsonUpcoming Quilt Events
September 19-22, 2013Oaks, PAAiring of the Quilts Outdoor Quilt ShowOctober 5, 2013Tunkhannock, PAPresented by Endless Mountain Quiltworkswww.airingof thequilts.comladybug Quilters are sponsoring a bus trip to this event. Contact if you are interested by 8/12.Scraps to TreasuresOctober 11-12, 2013Presented by Keystone Quilters GuildQuakertown Christian SchoolBeaver Valley Piecemakers- 19th Annual Quilt ShowOctober 11-13, 2013Holy Family ParishNew Brighton, PAQuilt Show – Tiadaghton Quilt GuildOctober 18-20, 2013Penn College Field HouseWilliamsport, PABerry Basket Quilt ShowOctober 19-20, 2013Marlton, New JerseyBerry Basket QuiltersQuilts for all SeasonsOctober 26-27, 2013Presented by Undercover QuiltersBrookhaven Municipal BuildingBrookhaven, PAInternational Quilt Festival/HoustonOct 31-Nov 2, 2013George R. Brown Convention CenterHouston,
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