Wednesday, January 28, 2015

February 2015 Newsletter

President's Letter

During the dark, dreary, gray days of winter, I am especially glad I am a quilter. We have our colorful fabric stashes and brightly colored projects to keep us mentally stable. Sort of. As stable as one can be in the middle of winter in our part of the geography. I hope we are all distracted by the many projects we have going. I'm sure we are all busy with our challenge, the raffle quilt, our entries for the show, and the random projects that we all make just because we want to because the picture on the pattern or the sample in the shop looked pretty.

We canceled the January meeting due to the weather. We moved most of the program to the February meeting. We will enjoy Betsy Moses' trunk show and Jan's presentation of the new tools available at the Quilt Block.

Watch for news and information about the quilt show. It will be May before we know it. Please help spread the word. We need attendance. Tell everyone you know, put it on your facebook page and social media. The success of the show depends on us. 

Speaking of the show, have you, or a group of your friends, thought about taking over as show chair in 2017? Suzanne Stiverson has done way above and beyond for the show and we thank her for all her hard work. We need a new chairperson or chair committee. More than one chair will work. Co-chairs? Tri-chairs? Quad-chairs?  Please consider it. It is our only way of raising revenue to support our meeting programs.

I am getting the 2015-2016 nominating committee together. They will become active soon and they may call you! One of the Guild positions may be perfect for you. Please consider signing up for one of the many varied tasks that keep the group going. 

Keep warm and keep quilting!

Submitted by Suzanne Doonan
Our February program features some of our wonderfully talented guild members.   Betsy Moses will offer a trunk show of a variety of quilted items and will demonstrate her favorite hand applique method.  Kelly Meanix will present Tips and Tricks for Curved Piecing, one of the hot topics in quilting right now.  Jan Brown will show us new tools and ideas for these topics.

Another talented quilter in our guild, Bob Decarli, is mentioned in the latest issue of Quilters Newsletter.  His latest book Remarkable Rectangles is featured in the Staff Picks section.  Bob is coming up in March with a tour of EQ7.

Jamie Loncaric, Susan Longenecker, Elaine Mayer*, Ellen McMillen, Robin McMillen and Kelly Meanix* Remember to switch your responsibility with a friend if you cannot attend the meeting and let me know. A star after your name means you bring a beverage for the group in lieu of a snack.

Membership: Ellen McMillen/Rita Marie Smith
February Birthdays
Robin McMillen            15-February
Ellen Lance                      21-February
Angel Henderson         26-February
Many happy birthday wishes!
We hope to see you all at the February meeting.

Fabric Swap

This month's fabric is "polka dots". Please bring (23) 10" squares in a ziplock type bag with you name on the inside. Please remember to choose fabric that is not older than 2 years old. If you are not going to be at the meeting please contact me. Please also bring your "low volume blocks" from last month that we missed because of the weather. I will bring 2 sets of blocks for you in March.

Next month's blocks will be "novelty fabric" it can be anything you want any print size or colors! Please pay special attention to the size, make sure they are 10" squares and please make sure you have 23 blocks, count them twice! I have bought just a bit more fabric to allow for a cutting mistake. To make it easier on yourself, cut off the selvedges before you cut your blocks.
Kelly----questions? or 610-873-7211


The "Cliches Challenge" is due in March.  Remember the size should be 16" x 20", design can be vertical or horizontal.  Need help in finding a cliché?
For ideas, Google:  When the challenge is turned in print the cliché you chose on a piece of paper and attach it to the front of your challenge with a straight pin.  DON'T IDENTIFY YOURSELF.
Due date:  March 9, 2015.

Questions, contact:  Myrna Paluba or Fay Ann Grider. 

Quilt Show 2015

Hi Guild,

Boy what a winter.  Hope you are all finishing up your quilts for exhibit and judging.  Remember March 28 is the deadline for the quilt entries.  I can honestly say I am so behind with the shoulder replacement and trying to get over the winter cold, cough crud.  But the good news is that we still have 3 months to get ready.  Please start having your friends put this great show on their calendars.  Attendance what the make the difference—bringing in raw revenue, folks to buy our raffle tickets, help our vendors and our Acorn Shoppe.  Each year we come down to the same results; we need attendees.

Of course your contributions, work on committees and support are critical, but do remember this is our FUND RAISER for the next two years.

Our next  committee meeting will be Thursday, February 12 at 11:30 held at the Riverstone Café in Whiteland Town Center.  We really need all committee heads there and also reports from those who cannot attend. 

As you know, all 12 of our vendor booths are now booked..  Timberline Patchwork; The Quilt Block; Pottstown Sewing (3 spaces); Jackie’s Woolens; Happy Valley Quilting; Donna’s Quits and Prims (name change);, Ribbonsmyth (ribbons and embellishments); The Bead Lounge; Penny Marble Quilt Designs and Alchemy Textiles.  We’ve got a great mix of vendors so please save your money and support these vendors.  Go to our website:  to see what they vend. 

Robin is doing a great job taking on the Food Vendor portion of our Show.  She has a 5-member team, achieved her Food Handler’s License (15+ of study), is learning recipes for chicken salad and carrot cake from her church and had a great menu planned. 

Help Diana Smyrl get ads for our program brochure by giving suggestions.  The same goes for Pat Sherman, who is getting the door prizes.

Website is being updated with newest information on the Quilt Show.  Maureen will continue updating the Vendor and door prize lists on line.

We need strong guys (males) for Show Set up day—Thursday April 30 in the A.M.  Please start talking to your family to chip in.  It is too hard for most of us to move the heavy tables and items.  Would love a few tall teenagers to help hold quilts during judging.

In February, I’ll be distributing a sign-up sheet for committees—so critical for us to make this work.


Quilt Committee Leaders Filled:  Now we need you to sign up for committees in February.

Quilt Show Co-Chairs:                                    Suzanne Stiverson & Robin

Floor Plans/Set- up/Tear Down                 Bob DeCarli

Acorn Shoppe:                                                  Pat Smith and Helen Hofbauer

Props:                                                                   Pat Smith

Small Quilts Raffle:                                           Kelly Meanix

Door Prizes (letters--email):                        Pat Sherman

Raffle baskets/Door prizes:                         Jean Fox

Basket Delivery                                                 Marsha Paczok

Lancaster Area Vendors:                               Pat Sherman  Distribution of flyers

Vendor letters:                                                 Suzanne Stiverson

Vendor on-site chair:                                     Robin McMillen

Registration/Admission:                               Denise Blake

Quilt Judging/forms                                        Ellen McMillen

Quilt Check in/out chairs:                             Jean Zubert & Cindy Vognetz

Ads for Programs:                                            Diana Smyrl

Program Brochures:                                        Rita Smith

Publicity/Flyers                                                 Suzanne Doonan

Quilt description/signs:                                 Myrna Paluba

Viewer’s Choice Ballots                                 Myrna Paluba

Signage inside and outside venue:           Elaine Egan

White Glove:                                                     Marti Campbell

Clean-up:                                                            Marti Campbell

Food Chair                                                          Robin McMillen

Food Handler                                                     Robin McMillen

Our show will be here sooner than you think and I am getting revved up.

Keep on quilting…..
Suzanne Stiverson

It is time to give some thought of what you might have in your collection which could be donated for use in putting together the raffle baskets for the quilt show.   Remember one  type of basket is a theme basket such as a movie basket,  a wine basket  or any thing you think would be appealing for the basket sales.  Also, I will be putting together baskets for a possible quilt  or a child's quilting basket so donations would be useful for these.   You can start bringing your donations to the next guild meeting.    Our baskets have always been very good and the winners have always been very pleased so lets not disappoint them this year.  Thanks    Jean  

Acorn Shop   
As you are cleaning your sewing area..think acorn shop  donations will start to be collected at the February meeting....all the extra in the way things! Questions  call Pat Smith 610 321 0631.  Money from the acorn shop helps provide programs for the guild.

Quilt Show Entry Forms and Judging
I'd like to encourage you to submit your quilt entry forms as early as possible. The form is available on our website. Your quilt does not have to be complete at the time you submit your entry form. You only need a picture of the quilt top and the quilt measurements. Please keep in mind that the entry deadline date is March 28th. If you have any questions please contact me.

This year I'm hoping that more of you will volunteer to help with the judging process. It is a great way to get first hand experience of how a judge determines a prize winning quilt and how the process works. This year we will be working with only one judge, Mary Zesiger, who has judged numerous Quilt Odyssey at Hershey shows. Unfortunately, Elizabeth Pauley has had to withdraw as she is having a hip replacement. I would like to have three scribes, one which will be an alternate to provide relief for the other two as needed. In addition volunteers are needed to hold up the quilts for the judge to view, transfer judged quilts to the hanging team and arrange quilts for the next category to be judged.  Ideally I would like to have twelve volunteers to work in teams of four for a two hour period.  The judging process can be tiring. I believe this can be solved by working in two hour shifts which will also allow more of you to be involved. We'll begin at 10 am and likely finish by 4 pm.  Call or email me with any questions.
Thank you!  Ellen  610-363-5956

Write as desired……
The Project List
I am not usually one for making New Year’s resolutions.  Resolutions always seemed to be senseless to me; lose weight, get in shape, make ten quilts.  Always the same and never accomplished.  I have changed my mind this year.  I am going to try ... but with some caveats. I am going to make my objectives clearer and more doable.

I am a list maker.  I make lists and if I do something not on the list I write it down just to scratch it off. On January 5, 2014, I made a list of the quilting projects that were actually physically in some state of being worked on.  Now some of these projects have been hanging around for quite some time and others were just beginning.  There were 10 projects on the list. In addition I listed my idea bundles.  These are bundles with fabrics chosen and possibly a pattern or ideas for the project all tied up and ready to go.  On January 5, 2014, I listed 4 of these. On January 5, 2015 I reviewed my list and there was not one project on the list that I could scratch off.  Not one project was totally and completely finished.

Now you may be thinking, “What did I do all year?” Was this the beginning of the end of my quilting period of life?  Indeed, 2014 was a hard year; unemployment, extended family obligations, and many house projects kept my attention out of the sewing room. On the flip side, I replaced my antique sewing table and reorganized my entire space but the project list was stagnant.

I also have a list of finished projects.  As you may have imagined, this list is rather short but it does have items not on my original list of unfinished projects.  One must allow for the creative inspiration to take over in spite of all the unfinished projects. My finished in 2014 list includes the red scarf I knitted, one pillow, little wallet type gifts for Christmas, and a fun summer wall hanging. Not that bad but I did not crack that project list.
The limitation with the “Finished Project List” is that, well, quilts must be finished.  Here we get into a gray area for us quilters.  Can we define a quilt as finished if the top is complete or must it be bound and labeled to get on the coveted Finished List?  As much as my heart wants to put the finished top on the “Finished List” I cannot.  So there it still remains as a testament to my inability to finish quilts, on the unfinished list.

Back to the resolutions.  This year, I am going to break down projects listed into more manageable tasks that will hopefully give me a sense of accomplishment and a desire to move on.  To just say finish the “fall quilt” is not working for me. It is tantamount to telling a child to “clean their room”.  He looks at the room, moves the clothes from the floor to the laundry basket and says done.  So before I look at the piles on my sewing room floor, and separate the piles into lights and darks, I need to see where each project is and where it needs to be headed.  As a former systems analyst, I broke down computer system projects into smaller tasks.  Thus my New Year’s resolution is to become a project leader of my own quilting.

Therefore my task list for the “fall quilt” is something like this.
Fall Quilt                                                                                               Date Accomplished
     Select quilting design
     Select threads, batting, needles, and machine setting
     Layer top
     Select binding and method
     Attach binding
     Finish binding
Here I have 7 things I will accomplish instead of 1!
We quilters know each step to take to get to the finish line, but why not have a little fun and acknowledge how much we really did on that quilt to get it on the “Finished List”.  Maybe keep track of the time spent on each step.  Do what it takes to keep your momentum going and in the end throw the *!!!!!* lists away!

Mystery Box
Reminder that the Mystery Box will be at the next meeting.  Be sure to bring 
those extra dollars from your coat pockets and I take quarters too.  You will 
never know what will be in the box maybe something for the getaway.  
Remember you have to play to win, $1.00 for one ticket or $5.00 for Six 
tickets.  See you at the meeting.

Book Shelf

We are adding a new section to our newsletter. Please feel free to send us you book picks, quilting or otherwise. You can give a review or a recommendation. Remember too that you can get almost any novel through your local library. If they don't have it they can get it for you from one of the other libraries in the system, just ask!

I found a good quilt pattern book this month called Simply Fat Quarters by It's Sew Emma.  I love it because she names the fabric collections that were used and they seem to be available, the instructions are for four different sizes of each quilt, and each of the ten different designs are not difficult but still stylish and come with a cutting diagram for the fat quarters. The one I chose to make could actually be made with half a layer cake and an extra half yard of fabric for the binding!  
Review from Betsy Moses

Ordinary Grace - William Kent Krueger
The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion - Fannie Flagg
The Shoemaker's Wife - Adriana Trigiani
The Light Between Oceans - M. L. Stedman
The House at Tyneford - Natasha Solomons
Recommendations by Delores Holzwarth

I am in a book club and we recently read a classic and one of my favorite books, The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. I highly recommend it.
Recommendation by Kelly Meanix

One of my favorite mystery writers is Louise Penny. Her protagonist is Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Quebec homicide unit. Her writing is wonderfully descriptive, her plots engrossing and her characters real and complex. There are currently 10 novels in this series. While each book is complete in itself I believe you'll find her work more rewarding if read in order beginning with "Still Life." Try it, I think you'll like it!   Recommendation by Ellen McMillen

Quilt Happenings

Lancaster Quilt Show
Lancaster, PA
March 11-14, 2015
Lancaster Quilt Show
March 11-14, 2015
Continental inn
Lancaster, PA
Three Rivers Quilters Show
March 26-28, 2015
Pittsburgh, PA  15203
The Ricky Tims Super Quilt Seminar - featuring Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson
April 16-18, 2015 (Thursday Evening, Friday and Saturday)
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Ricky Tims Information
Mid-Atlantic MOD A Modern Quilters Retreat April 23-26, 2015 Lancaster, PA

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