Thursday, February 26, 2015

March 2015 Newsletter

President's Letter

Did it stop snowing yet? It is almost spring, so I am told. I can't tell because it is about 10 degrees today. It is that time of year when I look out at the landscape and feel like the leafless trees are permanent features and the only green we will ever see again is fabric in our quilts. Then, boom, everything is green again. The sunlight in my sewing room is getting brighter and that is a good sign of warmer times to come. In the meantime, please do a clear weather dance for our next meeting. We don't want to miss any more. We are out of winter reschedule topics and we need to plan the show.

Please take a look at Kelly's email with the show schedule. There are still many openings. Please sign up to help wherever you can.

My favorite meeting is coming! The challenge is always a lot of fun. We have a creative group and the entrees are fun to see. I also expect a lot of pent up demand for show and tell! After canceling two meetings in a row and then the getaway, I bet we have a lot to show for it. 

We are now full speed ahead to the show. Raffle quilts to be finished, entries to bound and photographed...we're ready for it.

See you at the March meeting - think positive!

Programs Suzanne Doonan and Betsy Moses
Bob DiCarli has graciously bowed out of speaking this month so that we can devote some much needed time to show preparation and planning.  Missing two meetings in a row has brought showtime much closer than we think.  Of course, we're still having our challenge.
Also, I am pleased to announce that our speaker for June will be Rachel Derstine.  I met her this fall at the GoggleWorks Arts Festival in Reading ("google" GoggleWorks...well worth it) and fell in love with her work!  She will be presenting a lecture, "My Quilting Journey: Boundaries and Beyond", as well as a small trunk show of her work.  Her website is  Be sure to check out her bio, too.


The "Cliches Challenge" is due in March.  Remember the size should be 16" x 20", design can be vertical or horizontal.  Need help in finding a cliché?
For ideas, Google:  When the challenge is turned in print the cliché you chose on a piece of paper and attach it to the front of your challenge with a straight pin.  DON'T IDENTIFY YOURSELF, cover your name up if it is on the back. Bring your quilt to the meeting in a bag to keep it a secret.
Due date:  March 9, 2015.

Questions, contact:  Myrna Paluba or Fay Ann Grider. 

Membership: Ellen McMillen/Rita Marie Smith 
Please chant with us - "No ice, no snow, we will have a March meeting!" Hope to see you all there. 

March Birthdays 
Fay Ann Grider                6-March 
Pat Sherman                   10-March 
Jan Zwizanski                 15-March 
Marti Campbell             26-March 
Many happy birthday wishes! 

HOSPITALITY - Angel Henderson
Snack list for the March guild meeting is: E. Mincarelli, B. Moses*, R. Newlander, L. O'Brien, D. O'Connor, M. Paczok*, H. Hofbauer*, D. Holzworth, M.Hopkins, M. Kline, R. McMillen. 
A star after your name means you bring a drink instead of a snack for the group. Remember to switch your responsibility with a friend if you cannot attend and let me know. 

PLEASE BRING YOUR "do not touch the quilts" challenge quilts from 2014 to the March meeting. We will be collecting them to use for the quilt show.
Please also bring your mini(18 x18) raffle quilts to the March meeting. I will still accept them at the April meeting but it would be nice to get them early hint hint.....

Acorn Shop - Pat Smith

Please bring all your acorn shoppe donations to the meeting.  Don't worry if you've not finished getting your things together you can still bring to the April meeting!  Please call me concerning large items  Pat Smith 610-321-0631   If you would rather you can also drop off at my house if you don't want to drag them to the meeting..

I hope everyone is finding items that would be suitable to put in the raffle baskets for the quilt show.The baskets will be put together with sewing projects items hopefully  suitable  for a project.  Also theme baskets are popular.  Use your imagination.   Example:  child's project,  movie night ,  cookie baking time with children. 

I will be collecting these items at the next meeting.  Last chance will be the April meeting.  I hope to be able to put together ten baskets, ladies, so start inventorying your sewing/quilting stashes.    Jean 

Quilt Show Entry Forms 
I've not received any entries to date. Please make every effort to submit your forms as soon as possible. The form is available on our website. Your quilt does not have to be complete at the time you submit your entry form. You only need a picture of the quilt top and the quilt measurements. Please keep in mind that the entry deadline date is March 28th.  

Bob DeCarli will be signing copies of his book "Remarkable Rectangles" at the show. If you have a quilt in this book please enter it. Take care to reference Bob and his book in the description area on the entry form. Any questions please call or email me. Thanks!  Ellen    610-363-5956

Fabric Swap

This month's fabric is "novelty fabrics". Please bring (23) 10" squares in a ziplock type bag with you name on the inside. Please remember to choose fabric that is not older than 2 years old. If you are not going to be at the meeting please contact me. Please bring your "low volume and polka dot blocks" from the last 2 months also that we missed because of the weather. I will bring 3 sets of blocks for you in April. When you show up at the March meeting you should have 3 sets of blocks with you. Call if you are confused.

Next month's blocks will be "black and white". Please pay special attention to the size, make sure they are 10" squares and please make sure you have 23 blocks, count them twice! I have bought just a bit more fabric to allow for a cutting mistake. To make it easier on yourself, cut off the selvedges before you cut your blocks.
Kelly----questions? or 610-873-7211


Quilt Show 2015

Hi Guild,

Wow, after the POQ getaway, I am on my way to having quilts for the show.  My 18” quilt is ready to quilt.  Hope you are all finishing up your quilts for exhibit and judging.  You only have two months to finish.  Remember March 28 is the deadline for the quilt entries.  Ellen McMillen needs the measurements and a picture.  It can be a picture of just the top.  She’ll be sending out information.

We now have 11 of 12 of our vendor booths booked. Penny Marble Quilt Designs has pulled out because of family circumstances.  The booth fee is non-refundable so we have 12 spaces paid for.   Timberline Patchwork; The Quilt Block; Pottstown Sewing (3 spaces); Jackie’s Woolens; Happy Valley Quilting; Donna’s Quits and Prims (name change); Ribbonsmyth (ribbons and embellishments); The Bead Lounge; and Alchemy Textiles are our vendors.  We’ve got a great mix of vendors so please save your money and support these vendors.  Go to our website:    to see what they vend.

Since Robin has taken on the food chairpersonship, I need a volunteer to help on the floor to help vendors—make sure they are happy, help them at the end to load up and anything else that comes up involving them.  It is not full time, but is very necessary.  Please raise your hand.

We had a Quilt Show committee meeting February 12 and we are good to go.  Robin brought samples of the carrot cake we will be selling at the show.  Delish!!!!!!!  She will need helpers other than the normal sign-ups, so watch for the list from her.

We really need you to sign up for tasks at the show.  Remember, you cannot attend free if you do not participate and give time.  We still need  volunteers in the Acorn shop; a few for registration and the small quilt raffle;  many for white gloving and a few are needed for raffle baskets.  Clean up during the show amounts to emptying the vendors’ trash boxes, disinfecting the food tables with wipes and checking the bathrooms for supplies.  A number of slots are open there.  For set up we still need floor set-up and tear down help from husbands, brothers, sons and you.  We need some strong guys (males) for Show Set up day—Thursday April 30 all day.  Please start talking to your family to chip in.  It is too hard for most of us to move the heavy tables and items.  Would love a few tall teenagers to help hold quilts during judging.  We have a lot of openings for the judging staff and scribes;  and for taking in the quilts and handing them back.  The list is attached for your convenience.  I will also be bringing it to the March and April meetings.  Just send me an email or fill in the blanks at the meetings.  The preferred times are filling up.

Please start having your friends put this great show on their calendars.  Attendance what the make the difference—bringing in raw revenue, folks to buy our raffle tickets, help our vendors and our Acorn Shoppe.  Each year we come down to the same results; we need attendees. 
Of course your contributions, work on committees and support are critical, but do remember this is our FUND RAISER for the next two years.

Help Diana Smyrl get ads for our program brochure by giving suggestions.  The same goes for Pat Sherman, who is getting the door prizes.  If you know people or businesses (long-arm quilters, local companies, etc.) please get their phone information so Diana or Pat can contact them.

The website is being updated with newest information on the Quilt Show.  Maureen will continue updating the Vendor and door prize lists on line.

Raffle mini-quilts will be 18”X18”.  PLEASE START WORKING ON YOUR QUILT AS THEY WERE TERRIFIC FOR PUBLICITY.  TURN THEM IN TO KELLY MEANIX AS SOON AS THEY ARE DONE.  WE ARE ASKING EACH MEMBER TO DONATE AT LEAST ONE MINI-QUILT TO RAFFLE because this was a major fund raiser at our show.  Remember that the deadline is the April Meeting.

Quilt Show Chair:                                             Suzanne Stiverson                                                                    
Floor Plans/Set- up/Tear Down                 Bob DeCarli
Acorn Shoppe:                                                  Pat Smith and Helen Hofbauer
Props:                                                                   Pat Smith
Small Quilts Raffle:                                           Kelly Meanix
Door Prizes (letters--email):                        Pat Sherman
Raffle baskets/Door prizes:                         Jean Fox
Basket Delivery                                                 Marsha Paczok
Lancaster Area Vendors:                               Pat Sherman 
Vendor letters:                                                 Suzanne Stiverson
Vendor on-site chair:                                 
Registration/Admission:                               Denise Blake
Quilt Judging/forms                                        Ellen McMillen
Quilt Check in/out chairs:                             Jean Zubert & Cindy Vognetz
Ads for Programs:                                            Diana Smyrl
Program Brochures:                                        Rita Marie Smith
                                                                                Carolyn Davis
Publicity/Flyers                                                 Suzanne Doonan
Quilt description/signs:                                 Myrna Paluba
Viewer’s Choice Ballots                                 Myrna Paluba
Signage inside and outside venue:           Elaine Egan
White Glove:                                                     Marti Campbell
Clean-up:                                                            Marti Campbell
Food Chair                                                          Robin McMillen
Food Handler                                                     Robin McMillen

Our show will be here sooner than you think.

Keep on quilting…..

Suzanne Stiverson

Mystery Box 
Will return at the April meeting and the June meeting. 
Happy Quilting,

Quilt Happenings

Lancaster Quilt Show
Lancaster, PA
March 11-14, 2015
Lancaster Quilt Show
March 11-14, 2015
Continental inn
Lancaster, PA
Three Rivers Quilters Show
March 26-28, 2015
Pittsburgh, PA  15203
The Ricky Tims Super Quilt Seminar - featuring Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson
April 16-18, 2015 (Thursday Evening, Friday and Saturday)
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Ricky Tims Information
Mid-Atlantic MOD A Modern Quilters Retreat April 23-26, 2015 Lancaster, PA
Pennsylvania Relief Sale
March 5, 6 and 7, 2015
Thursday and Friday 9:00 am to 8:00pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Material Resources Center 
517 W Trout run Road
Ephrata PA  17522

Pa Relief Sale Auction
April 17 and 18, 2015
Harrisburg Farm Show Complex

Getaway 2015 Pictures








Our new spacious room!






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